I will be going straight to the target now, you actually opened up this post to learn and earn as much as possible Bitcoin you can, and you are perfectly on track! All you need for this trick is a PC,you can use a smartphone also but it might not look comfortable to operate. If you have that and an internet connection, you are good to go.
1. This is not a script method.
2. This is not hacking/exploiting.
Step 1: Go and register here at
http://BitSler.com . You only register with a username but make sure, you add email and password, after registration! by clicking the Account Tab.
You will be given 0.000000300 BTC to start with.
Step 2: Click on Games, then chose Dice. Now follow my following configurations!
1. Switch the tab to Automated Betting.
2. Set amount to 0.00000020
3. Set chance to 90.0 OR 81.0 (90 works best!)
4. Set the Roll UNDER to win NOT Roll Over to win.
5. Set the betting speed slider to the max!
6. Now, click on Start Pilot Mode!
7. What next..? Go to bed!
You should have your BTC growing while asleep, continue for days, and in no time, you will have something close to 1 BTC, and that's a huge sum of money!.
There is an alternate method, it yields better if you think the above method sucks! but this second method can get you banned! I avoid it myself! If you can take a great risk, you can go ahead. You will need a PC here, it's a must!.
1. Download FireFox.
2. Get: Tamper Data Addon.
3. Go to BitSler , login, click Games, then Cara Y Cruz.

4. Click automated betting.
5. Select the first one: (Star, Star, B).
6. Select the sixth one: (Star, Star, Star).
7. Select the fourth one: (B, B, B).
8. Bet amount: 0.00000010.
9. Click automated betting.
10. Speed all the way up.
11. Open Tamper Data (Mac: Click Tools, Tamper Data).
12. Click Start Tamper.
13. On website: Start autobet.
14. On Tamper Data! Put amount to:
1.00000000 (Even if you don't have that much)
15. On Tamper Data! Put choose to:
16. Click OK.
17. Stop TAMPER!!
18. Wait 20 Seconds...
20. Wait 5 seconds...
21. De-Select all your choices!
22. Set amount to 0.00000005
23. Select the only choice you didn't select the first time (fourth one): (B, B, Star)
24. Start auto pilot!
That's all, now watch as your BTC pull up! but its risky, do it at your own risk!.

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