If you are provide your connection using Mobile phone follow these steps;
1. Go to the settings on your phone
2.Go to tethering and portable hotspot
3.Go to WiFi hotspot
4.Go to Set up WiFi hotspot
5.Enable security by inputing a password make sure your password have characters,numbers and alphabets I.e WPA PSK
6.Set the maximum connections to the number of people you want to connect to the WiFi the maximum number is usually eight(8) so if the people that will need this WiFi is above eight(8) only the password will protect it and professional hackers may break in so its not 100% for organizations in these case
7.Switch on your WiFi hotspot
8.Make sure no other person connects to your WiFi other than the people you want to,you can identify them by their IP address, block any anonymous IP address
Your connection is secured if you follow these steps
Note:PC method coming soon this method is tested and trusted on smartphones.Stay updated with preshportal
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