You can now create and customize any theme of your choice within a minute with your mobile phone using Blue FTP, and certainly not only that because you can equally create menu icons with your preferred pictures, for example; Message, Settings, Gallery ...etc.
It was really cool when i did that alot and used it personally.
Well lets roll
You need to understand it well, no need to rush, if not you will get errors, because you might end up
Activating the theme, and your phone goes white or red just because you didnt add something right. Or you dont even no where menus are because you used music icon for it.
Ask your question when you dont understand to avoid errors.

follow the below instructions to start creating your own theme today.

Step 1: create a new folder and name it anything you wish.

Step2: copy the picture you want to use for the theme into the folder you created. [Note: make sure they are in png formats and small just like you see on other themes ]

Step 3: open your Blue FTP (click here to download free).

Step 4: select the theme(an already made theme, that you downloaded online..) you want to use for your theme creation and click on it to open it using the ftp.

Step 5: press menu and select/mark the files, extract them.

Step 6: Go to the folder you created and select "extract item here" or press on your keypad "3".

Step 7: After extraction, locate the theme wallpaper [how do i know it. Most times it is called bg or background, but to be sure, test the theme, then check out the home screen background. When you have note it down, or you got the idea about it, click on all the images you extracted one by one, when you have sorted it out and found the one that matches it. Then note the name of the image and the extension i.e .png or .gif or .jpeg or .jpg or .swf] and select rename, then copy the name (crtl A then crtl C) then it will say copied to clip board. If your phone dont have ctrl just write down the name fully, exactly the way you are seeing it and then delete the original theme's background wallpaper After copying the name.

Step 8: Go to your own picture you want as the new theme background wallpaper and select rename, clear the original name and paste it (Ctrl v) what you copied down as the theme's new back wallpaper. ( Repeat the same process in step 8 in every picture you want as the new theme wallpaper, background picture, icon picture...etc [you can still leave the old icons if you wish, only edit them if you have anything to change] ).

Step 9: Press menu and select mark all.

Step 10: Press menu and go to compress.nth for nokia or compress.thm for sony ericson.

Step 11: If you don't understand read again or comment your error for assistance.

NOTE: you must delete the original picture theme after you copy the name to avoid double copy therefore invalid and corrupted theme
I remain presh

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